Toddlers Make Music

for Littlies 1, 2 & 3 years old

Designed for our toddlers (1 & 2 and some 3 year olds) these classes are made to engage your mover with different styles of music. We understand toddlers just want to MOVE so we keep them busy and entertained with puppets, songs, stories and most of all - MUSIC - all the while educating!

WHAT we do in class

Music stimulates all areas of the known brain and in our classes we specifically work with:

- teaching to match pitch (helping their singing!) by learning through imitation & creating their own sounds
- timing
- form of music
- using rhythmic language (e.g. tremolo and tempo) as a pre-cursor to reading music.
- musical concepts of soft/loud, high/low and slow/fast
- freedom of expression and so much more.

We also teach not only babies, but all children that their contribution is valuable in class, be it a noise, a sound, or part of a song.

Toddlers continues on into Kids Make Music. Our classes are part of the Simply Music Rhapsody Program, designed to follow on through their years and eventually encouraging children to learn the piano with Simply Music (see piano lessons).

If you want your child to be good at sports; you teach them to throw, bat and hit. If you want your child to read, you read to them. If you want them to be musical; sing, dance & play with them. Come and learn how we do this effectively!

From Lynn Kleiner:
"The age-appropriate songs and movement activities assist and enhance language development and memory and improve coordination and timing. Creative social interaction helps toddlers express their feelings productively and develops their imagination and ability to focus as they learn musical concepts, vocabulary, and musicianship by making music.

The impulse to move, speak, sing and play rhythmically is a natural and vital part of being human. After one year of music studies, children who start music at a later age have far less gain in their musical intelligence than children who had that year of music at a young age. Just as babies learn to speak and understand our language before they learn to read and write it, music is also learned best this way!

Our approach to music comes from the Orff Schulwerk philosophy, a joyful and exciting experience for very young children using singing, movement and instrument playing to teach music. By participating in these lessons, the child will become a better musician and will be more successful in future musical pursuits."

For booking into Term 1 2023 please book and pay here for the deposit for this term. Once this has been paid, your child's spot is secure and you will receive an invoice for the remaining term amount before term starts, to be paid when term begins. You will also receive an email for more details on your child. You are more than welcome to fill out an enrolment form here too. 



Babies Make Music

Kids Make Music

Q & A

My children are 2 and 3, can they be in the same class?

Yes. We don't put our newborn babies in with our toddlers (unless the whole toddler group are especially gentle) because toddlers just need to MOVE! They run and dance and get the endless energy out. But 2 and 3 are very close in age, so they can be in the same class. I'd put them in this Toddler class, as a 2 year old may not engage as well in the Kids Make Music, but a 3 year old will be very happy in the Toddler class.